Organise This! – a day of workshops on workplace organising as part of the struggle against austerity
Pamphlet, 10.30am-4pm Saturday 11th February 2012 at Oxford House, Derbyshire Street, London E2. 5 minutes walk from Bethnal Green tube station.
Many of us work in the public sector and took strike action on June and November 30th, or played a role in supporting this action in our communities. This experience threw up many of the above questions, as well as practical issues about the nuts and bolts of workplace organising. We have started to discuss these questions in our collective, and now are keen to work with others who have found themselves facing similar challenges – to share skills, ideas and experiences.
[callout title= Organise This ]
What is the impact of withdrawing your labour as an educator, health worker, refuse collector, librarian or childcare worker; when the people most immediately affected are service users?
What strategies can we develop to make a strike powerful in sectors where our workloads are increasingly privatised and/ or we are employed on a short term or freelance basis?
How does taking industrial action fit into a broader struggle against austerity? How do we talk to our colleagues and service users about why our seemingly individual demands are collective concerns?
How do we develop forms of sustainable workplace organising that extend beyond the current climate of reactive and top-down one-day strikes? [/callout]
All genders welcome.
The venue is accessible and a volunteer-run creche will be provided. Suggested donation of £4 low/ unwaged, £8 waged, includes lunch. Please register in advance so we know how much lunch to make!
For workshop booklet click here.
Please contact us if you want to come so we have an idea of numbers, and if you have any requirements that we can help with or if you can do a slot in the creche, at