March Against Evictions 19th September, Newham London
Organised by the Focus E15 Campaign, supported by Feminist Fightback
You can visit the facebook event page here or see them on twitter @FocusE15
To mark the 2nd anniversary of Focus E15 campaign we are organising a march in Newham against evictions and for decent housing for all.
Across the country, the eviction rate has never been so high with 126 families being evicted every day. The housing crisis is escalating and none of the major political parties are offering convincing solutions.
Newham Council is led by Labour Mayor Robin Wales, an unashamed advocate of gentrification, supporter of sanctioning and kicking out the poor and most vulnerable.
Under his rule, 400 homes on the Carpenters Estate remain empty while homeless people, whom the council has a statutory duty to house, are forced to move out of London.
On the second anniversary of the Focus E15 Campaign, we will be marching for these issues.
All welcome. Bring friends, colleagues and family – let’s make our voices heard!
Homes for people not investors!
Repopulate the Carpenters Estate!